Channel: Comments for Scholarly Open Access
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Comment on Another Controversial Paper from Frontiers by Klaas van Dijk


Jeffrey Beall wrote in this blog post: “COPE, the Committee on Publication Ethics, is experiencing problems that are affecting its credibility. Some believe that it has succumbed to cronyism (…)”.
Jeffrey Beall wrote also in this blog post: “The COPE board’s chair, Virginia Barbour, has regrettably politicized COPE by writing strident essays favoring open-access and attacking Elsevier. She uses military metaphors (“The battle for open access is far from over”) to fan the flames.”
The current Complaints Administrator of COPE ( http://publicationethics.org/cope-staff ) is Iratxe Puebla.
Iratxe Puebla is a member of the staff of OA publisher PLOS and is currently acting as Managing Editor of the journal PLOS ONE. Iratxe Puebla promised me on 26 July 2015 to sent me in cc the correspondence of her with publisher Taylor & Francis about a faulty paper in a TF journal, see https://pubpeer.com/publications/7DA806A8062EF9474F1A53717B9D1D#fb36200
I have until now, 12 March 2015, not received a single piece of this correspondence. I am therefore already waiting 230 days on getting this correspondence. I have of course sent several reminders. A representative of COPE told me on 11 September 2015 that COPE would no longer open e-mails from my side. I have urged this representative a few times to forward to me the correspondence of Iratxe Puebla with publisher Taylor & Francis. This was unsuccessful. I have therefore contacted other parties, for example also publisher PLOS. I have sent various reminders to PLOS, until now without getting the correspondence. Iratxe Puebla does not respond.
Dr. Kamoun and Dr. Zipfel have recently published a letter in Nature in which they state that an obvious refusal to correct errors / mistakes must also be regarded as scientific misconduct ( http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v531/n7593/full/531173e.html ).
I hold the opinion that the above listed behaviour of Iratxe Puebla falls within the definition of scientific misconduct as defined by Dr. Kamoun and Dr. Zipfel, see also http://www.tsl.ac.uk/about-tsl/scientific-integrity/
I have therefore decided to file a formal complaint at publisher PLOS against Iratxe Puebla. This complaint was filed on 28 February 2016. My decision to file such a complaint was not an easy one and the decision was taken after several reminders to OA publisher PLOS remained unanswered (I only receive auto-replies with new case numbers). See below for the contents of this complaint. I have until now only received two auto-replies from PLOS.
Please don’t hesitate to contact me when there are errors and/or mistakes in texts from my side.
“From: Klaas van Dijk; To: plosone; Sent: Sunday, February 28, 2016 12:26 PM; Subject: A formal complaint to PLOS with serious allegations of scientific misconduct commmited by PLOS employee Iratxe Puebla

Dear PLOS et al,

I would like to report that Iratxe Puebla, the Managing Editor of PLOS ONE, is currently deeply involved in covering up a clear case of scientific misconduct.

Numerous efforts, and already for a prolonged period of time, to convince Iratxe Puebla to stop with the above mentioned behaviour were unsuccessful. I have therefore concluded that it is intentional behaviour of Iratxe Puebla to continue with her efforts to cover up a clear case of scientific misconduct.

I am therefore lodging a formal complaint to PLOS with serious allegations of scientific misconduct committed by Iratxe Puebla.

The Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research http://www.nhmrc.gov.au/_files_nhmrc/publications/attachments/r39.pdf states: “It also includes the wilful concealment or facilitation of research misconduct by others.”

That’s what is going on over here.

The VSNU Code of Conduct ( http://www.rug.nl/about-us/organization/rules-and-regulations/algemeen/gedragscodes-nederlandse-universiteiten/code-wetenschapsbeoefening-14-en.pdf and http://www.rug.nl/about-us/organization/rules-and-regulations/algemeen/gedragscodes-nederlandse-universiteiten/wetenschappelijke-integriteit-12-en.pdf ) states:

“Regarding the behaviour types listed below, the universities hereby declare that they categorically reject them, are actively fighting them, and if necessary will punish offenders with all the sanctions at their disposal. Violations of academic integrity include the following: (…). Permitting and concealing the misconduct of colleagues.”

I suggest to punish Iratxe Puebla with a severe sanction.

Backgrounds are listed in:

Thanks in advance for sending me a response in which is stated that my formal complaint against Iratxe Puebla was received by PLOS in good order.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me when there are errors and/or mistakes in texts from my side.

Best wishes,

Klaas van Dijk / Groningen / The Netherlands / https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=hmhMcScAAAAJ&hl=en

DISCLAIMER: I am hereby declaring that that this e-mail is prepared in good faith, that this is also the case for all other e-mails from my side to PLOS and to all other parties about the ongoing issues about a faulty paper on the breeding biology of the Basra Reed Warbler. I am hereby declaring that all of these e-mails from my side are 100% honest e-mails. Anyone who is claiming that I am dishonest, and/or that my behaviour is partial, and/or vexatious and/or that my statements about the paper on the breeding biology of the Basra Reed Warber are untrue / false (etc.), will first need to provide me access to the full list of requested raw research data (see https://pubpeer.com/publications/CBDA623DED06FB48B659B631BA69E7#fb31538 for the full list), and will need to accept that Richard Porter and his co-workers can scrutinize this entire set of raw research data. (I, Richard Porter and all co-authors of a rebuttal of Richard Porter state the paper on the breeding biology of the Basra Reed Warbler is loaded with fabricated data).”


“From: PLOS ONE; To: Klaas van Dijk; Sent: Sunday, February 28, 2016 12:21 PM; Subject: Auto-Reply: A formal complaint to PLOS with serious allegations of scientific misconduct commmited by PLOS employee Iratxe Puebla

Dear Klaas van Dijk

Thank you for contacting PLOS ONE. We will respond to your email as soon as we are able.

In the meantime, you may find the answer to your query here:
PLOS ONE Video Shorts http://blogs.plos.org/everyone/plos-one-video-shorts/
Frequently Asked Questions http://blogs.plos.org/everyone/authors/qa/
Reviewer Guidelines http://www.plosone.org/static/reviewerGuidelines.action

Kindest regards,

PLOS ONE Case 04430062 PL#0N3_AR ref:_00DU0Ifis._500U0RIuz6:ref”


“From: “PLOS ONE”; To: Klaas van Dijk; Sent: Monday, March 07, 2016 11:11 AM; Subject: Auto-Reply: Fw: A formal complaint to PLOS with serious allegations of scientific misconduct commmited by PLOS employee Iratxe Puebla

Dear Klaas van Dijk

Thank you for contacting PLOS ONE. We will respond to your email as soon as we are able.

In the meantime, you may find the answer to your query here:
PLOS ONE Video Shorts http://blogs.plos.org/everyone/plos-one-video-shorts/
Frequently Asked Questions http://blogs.plos.org/everyone/authors/qa/
Reviewer Guidelines http://www.plosone.org/static/reviewerGuidelines.action

Kindest regards,

PLOS ONE Case 04442239 PL#0N3_AR ref:_00DU0Ifis._500U0RkFzm:ref”

Comment on Research by Jeffrey Beall


Basically yes. My lists are set up to help provide information to scholarly authors, information that will help them avoid questionable publishers and journals. Although the lists are not set up to give advice on conferences, many have, I believe, used them this way. If a publisher is corrupt or low-quality, it is likely that the scholarly conferences it offers are of the same low-quality.

Comment on Research by Sohaib

Comment on Appeals by Jeffrey Beall


Thank you. I am currently investigating this conference organizer. I understanding they are sending out many emails to people in Indonesia.

Comment on Appeals by kulinez


there are several things made this conference suspicious:

1. the group photo publication has different banner name from the conference
2. the payment link seems like a phishing.
3. the venue is in a hotel, not in campus.

Comment on Finnish Man Uses Easy Open-Access Journals to Publish Junk Climate Science by justanotherpersonii

Including cosmic ray effects on climate doesn't necessarily mean getting rid of the greenhouse effect (though I definitely wouldn't take it as far as this guy would!) In my opinion, the greenhouse effect is real and humans contribute significantly to climate change, but this doesn't mean that Svensmark can't be at least partially right. I think that its size could quite possibly be large, I mean, just look at what <a href="http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v476/n7361/full/nature10343.html" rel="nofollow">Kirkby et al. 2011</a> <a href="http://www.theregister.co.uk/Print/2011/08/25/cern_cloud_cosmic_ray_first_results/" rel="nofollow">found</a>: (further in, not in the abstract, and it's paywalled, unfortunately) <blockquote>Ion-induced nucleation will manifest itself as a steady production of new particles that is difficult to isolate in atmospheric observations because of other sources of variability but is nevertheless taking place and could be quite large when averaged globally over the troposphere.</blockquote> And besides, there are numerous other papers supporting skeptic arguments about cosmic rays (not necessarily that they caused 20th century climate change, but also showing their impact or possible impact on earth's clouds/climate.) I will give a small sample here. There's... <a href="http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1364682614000066?np=y" rel="nofollow">this one</a>, <blockquote>Solar UV and cosmic ray flux might influence tropospheric temperature during warm seasons, solar maximum or QBO West...The stratospheric temperature correlates with the cosmic ray flux and solar UV at annual level at solar maximum and QBO West.</blockquote> <a href="http://www.ann-geophys.net/31/1833/2013/angeo-31-1833-2013.html" rel="nofollow">this one</a>, <blockquote>Results show an indirect indication of possible relationships between the variability of galactic cosmic rays and climate change on a regional scale.</blockquote> <a href="https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Goderdzi_Didebulidze2/publication/283286422_The_inter-annual_distribution_of_cloudless_days_and_nights_in_Abastumani_Coupling_with_cosmic_factors_and_climate_change/links/566579c008ae4931cd621f4d.pdf" rel="nofollow">this one</a>, <blockquote>It showed possible influence of cosmic factors on cloud covering processes and, thus, climate change...It was detected that, for the latitudes of this region, long-term decreases (negative trends) of seasonal GCR flux are different at CD and CN, which could affect the radiative balance at the Earth's surface and, as a result, contribute to the climate change.</blockquote> <a href="http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1364682615300316" rel="nofollow">this one</a>, <blockquote>In this paper we show that bi-decadal variability of solar magnetic field, modulating the intensity of galactic cosmic ray (GCR) at the outer boundary of heliosphere, could be easily tracked down to the Earth's surface. The mediator of this influence is the lower stratospheric ozone, while the mechanism of signal translation consists of: (i) GCR impact on the lower stratospheric ozone balance; (ii) modulation of temperature and humidity near the tropopause by the ozone variations; (iii) increase or decrease of the greenhouse effect, depending on the sign of the humidity changes. The efficiency of such a mechanism depends critically on the level of maximum secondary ionisation created by GCR (i.e. the Pfotzer maximum) – determined in turn by heterogeneous Earth's magnetic field.</blockquote> <a href="http://www.ann-geophys.net/30/9/2012/angeo-30-9-2012.html" rel="nofollow">this one</a>, <blockquote>We consider possible effects of cosmic rays and some other space factors on the Earth's climate change...In our opinion, the most important of these factors are cosmic rays and cosmic dust through their influence on clouds, and thus, on climate.</blockquote> <a href="http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1748-9326/9/4/045004/pdf" rel="nofollow">this one</a>, <blockquote>Our global simulations indicate that a decrease in ionization rate associated with galactic cosmic ray flux change from solar minimum to solar maximum reduces annual mean nucleation rates, number concentration of condensation nuclei larger than 10 nm (CN10), and number concentrations of CCN at water supersaturation ratio of 0.8% (CCN0.8) and 0.2% (CCN0.2) in the lower troposphere by 6.8%, 1.36%, 0.74%, and 0.43%, respectively.</blockquote> <a href="http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1364682612000867" rel="nofollow">this one</a>, <blockquote>Our non-linear model of the land air temperature (T)—driven by the measured Arosa total ozone (TOZ)—explains 75% of total variability of Earth's T variations during the period 1926–2011. We have analysed also the factors which could influence the TOZ variability and found that the strongest impact belongs to the multi-decadal variations of galactic cosmic rays.</blockquote> <a href="http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0273117714005286" rel="nofollow">this one</a>, <blockquote>We have studied conditions in interplanetary space, which can have an influence on galactic cosmic ray (CR) and climate change...We show that long-term Dst variations in these solar cycles were correlated with the cosmic ray count rate and can be used for study of CR variations. Global temperature variations in connection with evolution of Dst index and CR variations is discussed.</blockquote> and the list goes on. I don't think I cited one person on the list you cited of "some people" that I might recognize. I also think I only cited credible journals. For further info about what I think is a more balanced and correct view about climate change, see Hypothesis 2a of <a href="http://personal.cege.umn.edu/~foufoula/papers/efg_107.pdf" rel="nofollow">this paper</a>.

Comment on OMICS Creates Ghost Brands to Attract New Authors by Governance_regulation


Considering that you have given a rather charged report and referenced the NIH, I kindly ask you to consider the following question?

Are you aware that the phrase “NIH funded studies” means that authors, who receive funds from the NIH, have published their research in the OMICS journal.

Are you suggesting that NIH funding is a bad thing, or that authors who publish their NIH-funded research should not be respected for their diligent work?

Comment on Finnish Man Uses Easy Open-Access Journals to Publish Junk Climate Science by John MAshey


1) Cosmic rays
It’s not enough to have a hypothesis and some correlations, one must do detection and attribution and quantify the effects.

Skeptical Science #14 is What’s the link between cosmic rays and climate change?

Anyone serous about this would have at least the PDF of IPCC AR5 WG I “IPCC”) handy

IPCC has 91 hits for “cosmic ray”, it’s hardly ignored.
See especially section 7.4.6, which ends:
“Correlations between cosmic ray flux and observed aerosol or cloud properties are weak and local at best, and do not prove to be robust on the regional or global scale. Although there is some evidence that ionization from cosmic rays may enhance aerosol nucleation in the free troposphere, there is medium evidence and high agreement that the cosmic ray-ionization mechanism is too weak to influence global concentrations of CCN or droplets or their change over the last century or during a solar cycle in any climatically significant way.”

2) Regarding other anthropogenic effects besides direct GHG emissions: burning strawmen isn’t very interesting.
I regularly interact with top-notch climate scientists, some of whose specialties include detection/attribution and things like effect of human land-use changes.
I don’t know *any* who think GHG emissions are the only anthroogenic effect.

Search IPCC for “land use: 442 hits.
Try TS.3 for a short version of “drivers of cliamte change”
TS3.4 is “Radiative forcing from land surface changes and Contrails” Try Fig TS.6 and TS.7 that quantify the various effects and their uncertianti8es.

Comment on Finnish Man Uses Easy Open-Access Journals to Publish Junk Climate Science by John MAshey


ScienceDomain International’s publication of
“Ollila, Antero. (2015). Anthropogenic carbon dioxide (CO2) amounts and fluxes between the atmosphere, the ocean, and the biosphere. Physical Science International Journal 8(1): 1-17.”
at least documents its
review history.

The 3 reviewers for this technical carbon-cycle paper were:
Bharat Raj Singh, School of Management Sciences, Uttar Pradesh Technical University, India
Professor of Mechanical Engineering

Peter Stallinga University of the Algarve, Portugal
He is at Center for Electronics Opto-Electronics and Telecommunications, CEOT, labels Climate “a hobby” and rejects the scientific consensus on climate change.

Robert Jandl
Natural Hazards and Landscape (BFW), Vienna, Austria
He seems a credible and well-published scientist, but his review seemed cursory, consisting of a single sentence in the first round, so the extent of review is unclear.

Comment on OMICS Creates Ghost Brands to Attract New Authors by Jeffrey Beall


I disagree with the premise of your final question. Publication is part of the research process, and if any researcher submits his or her work to any journal published by OMICS International or one of its imprints, he or she is not doing diligent work.

Comment on OMICS Creates Ghost Brands to Attract New Authors by Governance_regulation


Thank you for your reply. I have spoken with the editors at Health Care: Current Reviews about improving the rigor of their reviews and they have expressed interested, apologized for mistakes that they did make, and made effort to improve. Given the aformentioned, why should people boycott all of OMICS. Their CEO has chosen to delegate authority and essentially all oversight of each journal to the individual journal editors. Why should scholars boycott them? Thank you again for the reply. I was not expecting it, and I understand that you are an international figure who must reply judiciously in all of your statements.

Comment on The Increasing Use of Predatory Journals for “Advocacy Research” by Anne LeHuray


Because it accurately describes the work published by several U.S. Geological Survey hydrologists, I used the term “advocacy research” in a Letter to the Editor that appeared a year ago (3/2015) in Integrated Environmental Assessment & Management. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ieam.1619/full

Here’s what I wrote:

The Merriam-Webster Unabridged Dictionary definition of “advocacy research” is “research that is carried out with the
intention of providing evidence and arguments that can be used
to support a particular cause or position.” In other words,
advocacy research is a phrase that describes the research
elements of white hat bias, and is conducted in search of
confirmation of preexisting notions. In contrast, science
research seeks to challenge a hypothesis and look for evidence
that might prove it false.

If you’re interested, see the summaries of post publication peer reviews of the USGS authors papers on PubPeer, beginning with the first one at https://pubpeer.com/publications/62730EDFFC17A5F85CA9EB7FD04C24#fb42729

Comment on OMICS Creates Ghost Brands to Attract New Authors by Jeffrey Beall


Honest researchers should avoid all OMICS International journals for the reasons I’ve documented over time in my blog. They have made victims of researchers from around the world. The spam, misrepresenting their headquarters as being in California when it’s really in Hyderabad, India. They quickly accept and publish articles with no peer review and then send an invoice to the author. When the author, not realizing the paper would be immediately published, demands that they paper be withdrawn, they refuse to pull it and demand payment. They even charge for withdrawals. Many people whose names have appeared on OMICS editorial boards labor in vain to get their names removed. This, OMICS, is a dangerous, predatory organization and I stand by my recommendation that all honest researchers avoid it completely.

Comment on Appeals by Rizal


Dear Dr. Beall
Can You explain to me, why science publication (thescipub.com) on the list?
Thank you

Comment on OMICS Creates Ghost Brands to Attract New Authors by Governance_regulation


Your documentation on this blog includes several unmeritorious claims such as this post claiming that “NIH Funded research” is somehow deceptive. They have had problems with their publication, I discussed that with their peer review and they apologized. Your efforts to prevent people from working with them is surely hindering their improvement. Next, they are an Internet company with hundreds of employees, and their office can be wherever their server is. Joseph works in Nevada. You may be correct about many of their past mistakes, but they have expressed an interest in improving the quality of their publications and the fact that some of their journals are homeopathic tabloids run by different editors is hardly reason to condemn a different journal run by different people.

Comment on Appeals by Sevcan Elcim

Comment on Appeals by Pan

Comment on Appeals by Pan


hello jeffery,
the ICSIE conference is organised by IACT. as i investigated IACT is basically version 2.0 of IACSIT which is listed in your publisher list. it claims itself to be based in US but … who kows…
it has a China contact number. By looking at the contact numbers of IACSIT and IACT you will realise that they are actually under same roof…


http://www.iact.net/ look at the webpage footer.

Comment on Golden Research Thoughts by B.N.ulimani


may I know your journal which can be rated high quality one

Comment on Peer Review Reports from Questionable Publishers: Three Examples by Carolus Patampang


Thank you very much for your answer.
I still accept your information from your blog. It is a very big help. Thank you again

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